Prevalence study from Germany on dyscalculia

Children with dyscalculia lack the notion of numbers, of quantities and estimates. They fail especially because of the basic arithmetic operations. Depending on the arithmetic operation involved, the values for children with very great difficulties in this area vary between three and six percent. This is proven by LMU (Ludwig-Maximilian-University) scientists working with Professor Gerd Schulte-Körne in a current study. For the investigation, they made appropriate tests with 1633 school children who were in third and fourth grades in and around Munich.

However, school development disorders do not occur in isolation, the Munich researchers were able to show. Disorders of comorbidity were found far more frequently than previously assumed. According to the study, 57 percent of children with arithmetic disorder also struggled with a reading or spelling disorder or both forms of dyslexia, reports Dr. Kristina Moll, psychologist and member of the research group. “These frequencies surprised us” admits Schulte-Körne.

Moll, K., Kunze, S., Neuhoff, N., Bruder, J. & Schulte-Körne, G. ,Sarah Kunze,Nina Neuhoff,Jennifer Bruder,Gerd Schulte-Körne (2014). Specific Learning Disorder: Prevalence and Gender Differences. PLOS ONE, 9, e103537.

Link to the press release